Thursday 26 November 2015

Uterine Fibroid: Symptoms and Treatment folk remedies.

Uterine fibroid are diagnosed today, a third of women who turned thirty-year milestone. This is always a benign tumor, composed of connective tissue and muscle cells. The tumor is called lymphoma or fibroid.
Tumor mass is very small, no more than 10mm but not rare uterine fibroid larger. In some cases, the uterus look like in size during the full pregnancy in the last stages, and weighing more than three kilograms. This is due to the increase leiomyomata. The very uterus consists of smooth muscle cells and their immature part is converted into fibroid. 
uterine fibroid treatment
Uterine fibroid treatment

The background of the emergence of the disease are conditions causing hormonal disorders: endometrial hyperglycemia, polyps often or an ovulation. 

One cause of uterine fibroid may be called an excessive amount of estrogen in women. This hormone is produced by the ovaries, fibroid so little common in girls who have not reached puberty, and women after menopause, due to the low production of hormones in both periods. Pregnancy provokes accelerated growth of fibroid, and post menopause on the contrary, cause it to regress. 

The nature of fibroid can be a node or extensive (diffuse), but doctors use the term uterine fibroid to describe it any shape.

The forms of uterine fibroid

The forms of uterine fibroid

The forms of uterine fibroid

Fibroids of the uterus is formed in its middle stratum of muscle, it looks like one or more nodules. This disease has the largest percentage of diagnosis. Sometimes you can find a diffuse fibroids (extensive) and diffuse nodes (nodes occur against a background of extensive tumor). So-called fibroids occur deep in uterine muscle layer (interstitial hysteromyoma), sprouting of the muscle layer in the body depth (submucous myoma of the uterus), or vice versa, to grow to outside the uterus in the pelvic region (subserous uterine fibroids).

If the nodule has formed under the top layer of the uterus serous, we are talking about subserous uterine cancer. Himself node may have a short thick base ilitonkoe and elongated. Second - very unfavorable to women, the leg can easily become twisted, causing the death of the tumor, causing purulent inflammation of the entire abdominal area. Myoma formation with a thick base tend to increase their sizes, whereby the organs surrounding the uterus can be squeezed.

Subserous nodules may not be felt quite a long period. But then there is the deterioration of health. For example, the tumor formed in the front wall of the uterus body, presses on the bladder, in a woman having problems with urination may start pyelonephritis. Kidney function violated. If the node with the largest subserous uterine cancer and is at the rear of the female body, it suffers from squeezing the rectum. As a result - the development of hemorrhoids, constipation, and various infections in the rectum. When torsion leg woman show urgent removal of uterine fibroid.

Submucosal fibroids accompanied by uterine bleeding, anemia, iron deficiency and constant drowsiness. The danger of this type of fibroid is a regular blood loss as a result of which the quality of a woman's life is reduced significantly. When submucosal uterine fibroids a woman pursues a nagging type, not passing a nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Intramural fibroid is found in half the time of detection of the disease. Symptoms of uterine fibroids of this type is very similar to the signs of submucous node type. The menstrual cycle is broken, there is all the manifestations of iron deficiency anemia, pain.

Uterine cervix - a rare pathology. The disease most often occurs without symptoms at all. But in some cases there is copious blood from the vagina, bearing irregular. Uterine cervical cancer is mainly combined with uterine fibroids. I must say that fibroids in the uterus is not an obstacle to pregnancy, but is uterine cervix does not give sperm to penetrate the egg, and the woman does not become pregnant.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

The problem of the disease is that it develops slowly, and it is found, as a rule, during preventive examination by a gynecologist (particularly in the US) or during pregnancy. But their symptoms of uterine fibroids has it:

  1. Copious flow of blood during menstruation, often with the presence of large clots
  2. Between periods abundantly "smears"
  3. Underbelly pulls, and sexual intercourse becomes unpleasant due to pain
  4. Constipation, back pain (lower back), frequent urination. The emergence of at least one symptom of uterine fibroids should lead a woman to the office of the gynecologist. 

Causes of uterine fibroids

Causes of uterine fibroids are manifold:
  1. Hormonal factors. Insufficient production of the hormone estrogen and excessive - progesterone. Therefore, in the treatment of tumors are always assigned hormones to stabilize hormonal levels. 
  2. Food. The use of refined carbohydrate foods, and lack of fiber can affect the formation of abnormal hormonal levels. In addition, poor diet leads to excess weight, which increases the chance to get fibroids.
  3. Genetic predisposition, a hereditary factor.
  4. Caesarean section during childbirth, abortion, unprofessional setting and removal of the spiral - all this leads to serious functional disorders of the sexual sphere. If a woman was found endometriosis, but the treatment she did not pass, then the probability of nodes becomes several times higher. 
  5. Intimate life.Rather, its quality. Equally useful are not as frequent change of partners and long abstaining from sex. The intimate life should be a reasonable balance.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

Treatment of uterine fibroids

Treatment of uterine fibroids

What's medicine offers to treat uterine fibroids? And modern methods of treatment, and conservative treatment and even folk remedies quite successfully helping women to get rid of the disease and avoid surgery removal of uterine fibroids. In medical practice knows a sufficient number of cases of complete cure of women using traditional methods of treatment, homeopathy, along with medical facilities, doctor appointments.
There are cases when a woman is already preparing for surgery to remove the tumor, and during the control examination revealed that the removal is not required. Fibroids disappeared. These cases concern women middle aged and elderly survivors of menopause. During menopause hormonal undergoes changes, which may lead to resorption of the tumor. Patients under the age of forty years, doctors may recommend a course of treatment with hormones.
A good doctor will try to avoid until the last removal of the tumor. Surgery for uterine fibroids is inevitable if nodal education is very large, frequent and profuse bleeding. Removing nodes laparoscope popular and well proven. During surgery for uterine fibroids using a laparoscope undergoes tumor removal, and the uterus remains intact. Dissection of the abdomen is also avoided, women make only a small incision in the abdomen.
Treatment of uterine fibroids is possible by overlapping the uterine arteries. This modern method is called uterine fibroid embolization, it creates such conditions that the tumor is reduced to a tiny size and its further growth becomes impossible. Treatment folk remedies.

Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies

Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies doctors are not prohibited. Moreover, doctors do prescribe their patients folk remedies as aids.

Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies can start with the following means: juice cutter (20 ml), preferably fresh, mixed with a glass of clean boiled water. Receipt of funds should be drunk three times a day at regular intervals.

Some traditional recipes are actively endorsed by classical medicine, a very good effect Borovoy of the uterus, it can even be called the plant a plant number one in the fight against women's diseases.

Antineoplastic are hemlock, Celandine, Potentilla, mistletoe, fly agaric (destroy any tumors); Borovoy of the uterus, Shandra, zyuzlik, thistle, cleavers, squirting cucumber. Herbs second group is preferable, because it is not toxic, and specifically struggle with uterine myoma.

Enhance immunity and promote immunomodulators adaptogens such as Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Leuzea, kopeechnik. Regulate the monthly cycle tansy (used for the delay), chamomile, lady's mantle, hops (painful menstruation), sleep-grass (premature regulation), oregano, cloves (no tone of the uterus).

To reduce and eliminate uterine bleeding successfully help nettle, yarrow, shepherd's purse.
Traditional recipes are good, when the disease is still only at the beginning of development, in any case can not be treated folk remedies bleeding and pain!

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Meniere's Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment folk remedies.

Meniere's disease develops inside the ear labyrinth. During disease labyrinthine fluid increases in volume and pressure increases irreconcilability. Man worried dizziness, vegetative functions disorders, tinnitus, the patient complains of deafness, which is progressing with every fit of disease recurrence.

The most common lesion is exposed to one ear, two-way process is ten times out of a hundred. Purulent processes do not precede disease, also not observed any organic lesions meninges. Seizures occur over time lighter and less frequent, but deafness continues to progress.
Meniere's disease is divided into three degrees of severity of:

  1. Easy (first) degree: seizures are short, their length does not exceed a few minutes, they did not occur often. Acute attack may last an hour or more, but between attacks can take many months or even years. Employability patient is not disturbed 
  2. Average (second) degree: attacks happen more often and last longer and longer. Hearing loss becomes continuous. Incapacity of the patient is maintained for five or six days. 
  3. Weight (third) degree: acute attacks of Meniere's disease is repeated every day and last for more than six hours, a vivid manifestation of symptoms, and the patient's ability to work is lost completely.

Meniere's disease is classified into:
  1. Classic. Manifested disorder auditory and vestibular functions 
  2. Vestibular. It characterized mainly dizziness 
  3. Cochlear. In this form of Meniere's disease are preferable violation hearing funkiness Zaporozhye causes of Meniere's syndrome
What causes the disease is up to now unclear. Doctors suggest - Meniere's disease can develop as a result of accumulation of excess water in the ear canal endolymphatic. The liquid spreading in the inside of the ear, it causes damage to the vestibular structures. Head injuries of varying severity, infectious diseases of the inner ear, trachea, bronchus, low back pain - all of which can trigger Meniere's disease. Theorizes that prolonged stress, chronic lack of sleep and excessive mental stress trigger the disease. Do not swept aside version of the hereditary factor. In general, a lot of theories, but clear scientific evidence, none yet has not received. 

The symptoms of Meniere's disease

Loss of balance, cold sweat, nausea - all symptoms of Meniere's disease.
Loss of balance, cold sweat, nausea - all symptoms of Meniere's disease.
The symptoms of Meniere's disease occur suddenly, without external apparent reason. The most typical are the following signs of illness:

  1. Sudden loss of balance. The person loses the ability to walk, can not even stand or sit 
  2. Covering a strong nausea, vomiting may occur unrestrained 
  3. The patient "throws in the pot" 
  4. Man pales greatly literally become "white as the wall", pressure, or falls, or (less often) increases
Let us consider the most characteristic symptoms of Meniere's disease:
  1. Intermittent dizziness greatly exacerbated during attacks. The patient suddenly feels that things suddenly move, the balance is lost, and sometimes there may be failures, and flipping. The patient falls as stand or sit still unable to. Pupils patient wander, sharply drove vomiting 
  2. Tinnitus is very intense during the attack so severe that the patient is no longer heard. Hearing disorders are associated mainly with changes that are impossible to predict. Occasionally, when fade away once both ears, deafness usually affects the left, then right. The nature of this disorder - the periodic, but as soon as Meniere's syndrome begins to progress, deafness becomes constant and tends to worsen, and later lost hearing completely. Intrigue of the disease lies in the fact that it appears suddenly and for no apparent reason.

Diagnosis of Meniere's disease

To establish a diagnosis of Meniere's syndrome patient should be examined by an ENT-doctor and be sure to neurologist. Research should be carried out in several directions, and include: 
  1. Tone and voice audimetriyu 
  2. Tympanometry - assesses the state of the middle ear 
  3. Reflexometer speaker
  4. X-rays of the cervical spinal department 
  5. US 
  6. Rheovasography 
  7. Dopleroskopiya cerebral blood vessels of the head 
  8. Imaging, computer and magnetic resonance. This research may reveal tumor formation, which may be the cause of pathological conditions. 

Treatment of Meniere's disease.

Unfortunately, the cure Meniere's syndrome can not be forever, but to make attacks less frequent with less severe manifestations of the medicine can. Certain medications drugs cropped nausea and retching, reduce the effect of dizziness during an exacerbation. Alas, the systematic hearing loss in this case - an irreversible process. The principle of treatment of Meniere's disease is a constant controlling symptomatic manifestations and to reduce the number of attacks. At first the doctor to the patient develops a specific diet, then connects the medication. 

If Meniere's disease patients received diuretics (diuretics). The patient should stop smoking, limit salt intake and caffeinated beverages. Prescribe drugs that suppress the function of the vestibular apparatus, antihistamines and sedatives. Treatment of Meniere's disease is also done drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain.

How to behave during an attack if suddenly dizzy, it is recommended to take a horizontal position (to go at least to the floor) and lie still until the end of the attack. You can take a pill diphenhydramine, suprastin or any other drug that has antihistamine properties. If nausea and vomiting, it is recommended antiemetic drugs.

If conservative treatment has no effect, the patient's disease Meniere's guide to the surgeon. The intervention of a surgeon shown only in extreme, difficult cases, when dizzy spells are becoming too frequent and strong. The patient in such cases, surgery is performed, during which the man-made destruction of the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. Another surgical method - chemical ablation (inner ear usual antibiotic). Both methods lead to deafness and are used only as the last and only chance to relieve the patient's suffering.

Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies

Effective measures that can prevent the onset of Meniere's disease does not exist. However, exercise, low salt intake, smoking cessation and alcohol may reduce the risk of developing the disease. Also avoid allergenic factors. 

Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies based on the use of diuretics and sweatshop herbs generally cleansing the body of toxins and regular performance of special exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies may have little effect, but important as a prophylactic.

Dental pulp acute, chronic, Pulpitis - symptoms, causes, treatment costs.

Pulpit called complicated forms of caries, which is characterized by the spread of the pathological process with dentin and enamel - in the hard tissues of the tooth pulp - its neurovascular bundle, which leads to inflammation. Dental pulp can be caused by improper treatment of dental caries or as a consequence of the lack of treatment at all.

Dental pulp acute, chronic
Dental pulp acute, chronic

Causes Pulpitis

Provoke pulpit tooth decay not only can, but it happens often. Among the reasons experts also emit toxic chemical exposure or a sealing material, which was treated with carious tooth. Negative the effects are so if isolation pads under the seal has not been imposed or has been imposed is not complete. 
Among the possible reasons pulpit - the trauma of a tooth, which often happens, for example, with the athletes during training. 

Symptoms of pulpitis

Symptoms of pulpitis may be several, they will be different depending on the form of the disease, which only identified two: 
  1. chronic 
  2. sharp.
Symptoms include severe acute pulpitis and sometimes unbearable pain. Pain attack occurs spontaneously, and manifested paroxysmal, marked by pulsating and vomiting symptoms. For this type of pain is characterized by the gain in the evening and night hours. In acute pulpitis pain often radiates to the ear, temple or eye socket. Gaps also occur without pain between attacks. As the progression of pulpitis such intervals and reduced in number and duration. Pain increases and amplified under the influence of hot products, under the influence of cold products such does not happen in some cases, even the pain attack subsides. 

Chronic pulpitis develops if the treatment of the acute form has not been carried out or improperly. Symptoms of chronic pulpitis is to reduce the symptoms of the acute form. Often the disease is asymptomatic at all. Sometimes chronic pulpitis patient may complain about the appearance of mild pain in the affected tooth gets hot or too solid food, as well as slightly pronounced discomfort. 

The above symptoms are usually characteristic of the fibrous form of chronic pulpitis, among which stands out a few: 
  1. Hypertrophic
  2. Gangrenous
In hypertrophic form is formed polyp that grows out of a tooth cavity. Touching this polyp causes not only pain, but also bleeding. Gangrenous form is characterized by coating the pulp yellowish gray bloom, the presence of a sharp putrid odor from the mouth, the tooth at the same time has extensive damage, and the disease is prolonged. 

During exacerbation of chronic forms of the disease are present all the symptoms of the acute form. It should be noted that the cost of treatment pulpit many times higher than the price of caries treatment, so when the first symptoms of dental caries should be treated to the dentist.

Treatment of pulpitis

Treatment of pulpitis
Treatment of pulpitis
There are several methods of treatment of pulpitis, the choice of which is based on the form of pulpit and stage of disease prevalence. 

Among the preferred method, which try to resort dentists, conservative method that maintains the viability of the pulp. Typically, this treatment is most often applied in the case of the disease in younger people and only with the possibility of reversibility of the disease of the pulp (for example, in the form of traumatic pulpitis pulpitis or primary teeth in children is not too severe scale losses). 

Treatment of pulpitis in this case is analogous to the treatment of caries, but with particular emphasis on treatment subjected to the defeat of the oral drugs. With this purpose antibiotic and antiseptic agents, as well as proteolytic type enzymes. 

With failure of conservative treatment of pulpitis the method of surgery. It involves removing the diseased pulp. Root canal is sealed with a special material. The pulp can be removed using two methods: 
  1. vital. Implemented in all forms of the disease, it is used as a general anesthetic, and local; 
  2. devitalized. It conducted only with the prior killing nerve.
Early treatment saves pulpit nerve, the presence of which is necessary to ensure the normal life of the tooth and its power. Therefore, when the first manifestations of the pulpit is an urgent need to see a doctor, because not only the duration but also the cost of treatment of pulpitis is largely dependent on the running process.

Folk remedies for the treatment of pulpitis

Folk remedies for the treatment of pulpitis
Folk remedies for the treatment of pulpitis
Treatment of diseases with folk remedies are not designed to get rid of it because it can be done only in a dental clinic, and to reduce the severity of symptoms of its main symptoms. 

To this end, traditional medicine is often used propolis. A piece of material the size of a small pea to put on a tooth, the top covered with a cotton swab. Leave propolis tooth need not less than twenty minutes. 

Help with pulpitis and rinsing means, prepared on the basis of propolis, for example, sweet. To prepare the means take one tablespoon of crushed sweet flag, mix it with one tea spoon of tincture of propolis (prepared independently or purchased in a drugstore). To soften the means, add to it two tablespoons tablespoons boiling water normal. Mix well all the ingredients, start rinsing. For the duration of this process shall not exceed three minutes.The course of treatment is not less than a week, although the assurances of doctors pain should subside for about the third day.

It is used to treat inflammation of the pulp and the combination of tools such as hydrogen peroxide and lemon. Often this set of components is added and a paste of baking soda. To prepare the means to mix the spoon half teaspoon baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in an amount of about twenty drops and lemon juice in an amount of about five drops. Cotton swab moistened in this mixture, then this ball tooth wipes on all sides. A mixture of the soda and water will help relieve the pain.

Help suspected multiple sclerosis.

Today, our health is subject to many problems and diseases. Very often now notice a disease like multiple sclerosis. Many people wonder and ask help multiple sclerosis. They can say a signal of danger and asked to remove it.
So just need to be sure to consider how you can cure the disease, and most importantly how to get rid of him. 

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis 

Before anything you need to treat it at home to identify and understand that you have the disease. Before you know that multiple sclerosis has helped, consider its symptoms. Firstly, there are primary and secondary symptoms. First - this is psychological symptoms. That is the obvious choices. You may feel unwell. You will be sleepy, you'll want to drink, always be tired.

Help suspected multiple sclerosis
Help suspected multiple sclerosis
There will also be a headache, you can begin to feel uncomfortable. Many believe that multiple sclerosis - is forgetfulness, but in fact it is not so. You do not forget. It is not the disease. You should always know what drugs are helping many, this is important. It can appear suddenly, which is why you should regularly visit the hospital to check their health. This is important, you should always carry out diagnostics. The word has a value of scar sclerosis and scattered means that a few scars. In this way, and the illness. Its symptoms are immediately apparent violations of human behavior. So it is necessary to immediately take action. It is important. All you need to do at the time and no problems then you will not.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

What medications can help you treat multiple sclerosis? 

In order to cure multiple sclerosis need to choose the right products. It is important to know that help to stop multiple sclerosis, is the first step to solving the problem. I have to say that it is impossible to completely cure multiple sclerosis. This will not develop the disease. It is very important that you can stop the symptoms. The first step is to seek help from a doctor. 

What medications can help you treat multiple sclerosis
What medications can help you treat multiple sclerosis
He will select a drug that will suit you personally. You can not produce self. You'll have to pick up that medication that will help you perfect and fit. Normally, you are advised to omega three. It is therefore necessary to learn how omega-3 helps in multiple sclerosis. Here, everything is easy. He stops for a disease and does not allow him to develop. 

Also, it is easy to remove all signs and indicators. With it, you can live a normal life. You must drink a lot of vitamin, it is also desirable to eat healthy foods. Typically, each selected different preparations. This depends on the disease and the characteristics of the organism. When treatment is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and check how drugs act on you, if they help. The main thing is that there is no harm to your body. Usually sclerosis - a disease which can not be cured through. It may simply be pre-installed. 
As it helps omega-3
As it helps omega-3
For this it is necessary to choose the right drug. This approach must be responsibly. Our advice is to choose a good drug. Let us consider in more detail the drug. It is important. The main thing to use it. Remember that self-medication is very dangerous, and therefore it is better to consult a doctor. He will advise you to correct reception and reviews of medications. 

Preparations of MS? 

Netrin very important drug for sclerosis. It is created with herbs that help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This preparation will help you get rid of the symptoms. It will help you and multiple sclerosis glycine helps to feel good, not to notice the disease. It is easy to apply. It has no contraindications. He is allowed at any age. Still, you can not use it without doctor's permission. It is better to check that everything was ok. There are instructions in multiple sclerosis. We consider it more detail.
Preparations sclerosis
Preparations sclerosis
It is necessary to use three tablets three times a day. It is taking the medicine after a meal. Immediately after you take you can not be eaten. It is best to use it after half an hour. Then you will not have any problems with the drug. It is suitable for men and women. Its main advantage is that it has no side effects. He just brings a sense of withdrawal symptoms. Try this drug. You can use it for six months. Then you need a little break. Then everything will be fine. A break is best done for a month. Try your feelings with the drug. He will give you the opportunity to not feel any discomfort from the disease. 

Where better to turn when sclerosis? 

If you suddenly find yourself at the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, it is better not to delay, and the right to ask for help, but here you may have a natural question, but where should I go. Usually there is an urban center of multiple sclerosis. Round should apply. That you can get everything you need, if you have identified at this disease. There are specialists who can provide any assistance. 

Dacryocystitis - symptoms, causes, treatment, photo.

Dacryocystitis - an inflammatory -gnoynoe or simply inflammatory damage to the lacrimal sac and the tubule, which removes the tear (nasolacrimal duct).

Dacryocystitis may begin as a result of the acquisition, or received at birth, narrowing (stenosis) of the lacrimal gland ducts. Sometimes the flow is blocked completely. Infants and toddlers in the first few months after birth are subject to narrow (overlap) tear duct due to the nature of its structure. By the time of the birth canal may be blocked by the tissue film or membrane, which is not fully resolved. For this reason, the tear secretion accumulates in the eye bag, and inside the liquid microbes multiply rapidly. 

Eye Disease

Dacryocystitis also occurs in adults, but less frequently. Especially from dacryocystitis affects women, as they tear ducts narrow. More on the occurrence of inflammation in the nasolacrimal duct in women affected by the fact of the use of funds for eye makeup. 

Acute and chronic dacryocystitis

In course of the disease can be identified acute dacryocystitis, characterized by the formation of purulent abscesses and boils and chronic dacryocystitis. The main "culprits" of occurrence of the disease include:
  1. Viral origin 
  2. Bacterial and viral 
  3. Chlamydia allergic (rarely) 
  4. Due to injury 

Dacryocystitis of newborns can be identified separately. 

Reasons dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis of newborns can be caused by: 
  1. congenital nasolacrimal duct pathology in the form of a sharp narrowing of its lumen
  2. presence of interference in a membrane inside along the duct 
  3. not resolved in utero gelatinous plug 
  4. flow completely zaroschen fabrics (canal atresia) 

Dacryocystitis adults may develop due to: 
  1. periocular tissue swelling in the area (for example, during prolonged rhinitis, nasal polyps in as a complication of sinusitis) 
  2. Injured channel: for example, if damaged orbit or nasal cartilage 
  3. infection, viral or bacterial origin 
  4. wounds of the eye, especially in the area close to the point of tears near the nasolacrimal duct and 
  5. dacryocystitis eye contact is garbage, fine dust and other foreign bodies 

Other possible causes dacryocystitis: 
  1. Some metabolic disorders, diabetes, 
  2. weakening of the immune defense 
  3. allergic reactions, particularly those that appear as rhinitis and conjunctivitis 
  4. Work with caustic and volatile compounds harmful to the organs of sight 
  5. sudden changes in temperature

When the tear fluid stops normally circulate nasolacrimal duct and as a result, the outflow of tears to the nasal cavity is no - develop dacryocystitis. Secret stagnates in the cavity flow, provide ideal conditions for the life of bacteria and germs, which in any case fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes, but the tears washed away.

Germs multiply rapidly when dacryocystitis, lacrimal sac area swells, formed inflammation with pus inside. In the area where the wall of the duct may form a cavity, formed an abscess. When the walls of the ducts does not inhibit the spread of infection, it appears abscess. If the lacrimal secretion falls allergen, a virus or Chlamydia, the duct is formed in the middle of the specific nature of the inflammation.

Chronic dacryocystitis develops due to stagnation of the regular lachrymal secretion, as a result - narrowing nasolacrimal duct.

Symptoms dacryocystitis 

Acute dacryocystitis has the following symptoms: 
  1. In the area of ​​the lacrimal sac is formed rather big tumor that causes pain eye swells,  
  2. Eye gap becomes narrow 
  3. There is a significant flow in the area of ​​redness 
  4. Region orbit the eye becomes very painful 
  5. Body temperature rises 
  6. There are clear signs of poisoning toxins
In the first few days, the swelling is quite thick, knobbly, then it becomes softer. Redness is reduced, an abscess is formed with an external opening. After the pus "burst" in and out, out and inflammation. Sometimes, a fistula is formed, from which the contents of the pouch can ooze and flow. 

Chronic dacryocystitis has its characteristic symptoms:
  1. Tears flow from his eyes hard and not stopping 
  2. Formed quite noticeable swelling 
  3. If dacryocystitis slight pressure on the tumor, then it will stand clear, pus, or impurities, the contents 
  4. The inner corner of the eyes red and swollen 
If dacryocystitis run, the site of inflammation in the skin becomes thin and stretched. 

How to identify dacryocystitis in the newborn: from just babies born at presence of the disease is determined by a purulent discharge from the eyes, and swollen eyelids. 

For newborns extremely dangerous is the location of the tumor with purulent contents close to the sinuses, eyes, brain. The infection can spread to adjacent organs and serious complications. 

Diagnosis dacryocystitis

 Usually, the diagnosis of the doctor reveals, after hearing the complaints of the patient and examining the clinical symptoms of dacryocystitis. We need a very delicate examination, the doctor should carefully palpate the sore area for the presence of pus inside the tumor. Additional research dacryocystitis: 
  1. The tear duct is introduced colorant to determine its permeability. The substance (colloid silver) is found or not found on the swab of cotton wool, which is inserted into the sinuses; 
  2. Nasolacrimal duct probing; 
  3. Held test for dacryocystitis (passive with washing); 
  4. The eye is examined under a microscope; 
  5. The eye instilled a special glowing reagent (fluorescein); 
  6. Detachable secret is sent to the laboratory for bakposev to determine the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics; 
  7. Radiography with an introduction to the eye duct contrast; 

Treatment of dacryocystitis

Treatment of dacryocystitis is either surgical or conservative. It is important that dacryocystitis in newborns was detected in time and properly diagnosed. 

Typically, to get rid of dacryocystitis doctors prescribe antibiotics (including sensitivity analysis), as well as washing and massage of the tear ducts of the lacrimal sac. 

  1. UHF treatment dacryocystitis 
  2. if necessary - opening of an abscess, followed by washing 
  3. Plastic possible to create a new flow 
Chronic dacryocystitis treated with surgery: the expansion of the flow is carried out, sometimes tear the bag is removed.

Signs of symptoms and treatment of ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition when the fertilized egg is attached is not where it should (in the uterus), and beyond. Place the attachment may be different: a cavity tubes, peritoneum or inside the ovary. Pipe - the most frequently diagnosed form of ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy is considered to be more than serious gynecological diseases, because it always ends with internal bleeding and requires emergency medical intervention. 

Causes of ectopic pregnancy.

symptoms and treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Causes of ectopic pregnancy are as follows:  

  1. Addiction to smoking. Yes, the more a woman smokes, the more likely that it will be an ectopic pregnancy;  
  2. Inflammatory processes (especially chronic character) in the pelvis. As a result, the fallopian tubes are covered by severe scarring that causes ectopic pregnancy; 
  3. Do not held until the end of the course of treatment for gonorrhea or chlamydia;  
  4. Endometriosis; 
  5. Ectopic pregnancy diagnosed earlier. 

Ectopic pregnancy, gynecologists may be associated with the use of special means to stimulate ovulation. What exactly triggers this atypical pregnancy - hormonal drugs or scarring in the fallopian tubes - is not yet known. If you suspect you are afraid of pregnancy and that it can be ectopic, be sure to tell your doctor and he will appoint a more detailed examination. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy two weeks are no different from the usual signs of normal pregnancy. These are the same fatigue, morning morning sickness, breast tenderness, cessation of menstruation. Clear signs of an ectopic pregnancy appear later. What happens then? 
  1. Pain. 
  2. It hurts everywhere, the whole abdominal cavity. When stress becomes even more pain Vaginal bleeding, sometimes quite strong 
  3. Oddly enough, but the shoulder hurts too much. This is due to the fact that during the bleeding irritated diaphragm 

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy it is easy to confuse with signs of early miscarriage. The egg, fertilized, begins its promotion of the fallopian tube to the uterus. If an ectopic pregnancy egg to the uterus just does not get it attached where it is necessary and there begins his growth and development. After reaching a certain size, the embryo breaks the pipe opens the bleeding. That is why women need to provide assistance immediately. 

Signs of ectopic pregnancy.

How to identify an ectopic pregnancy, modern medicine knows the ropes. The first thing that you need to make a woman at the slightest sign or suspicions is to conduct clinical blood for the presence and content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone produced by the female body immediately after the start of the process of fertilization. 

The level of hCG in the ectopic pregnancy is slightly undervalued or has normal levels. But it is on the first or second week of pregnancy. As early as the third week, the level of hCG is to reduce dramatically. But even this method can not be regarded as an informative one hundred percent. Especially considering that hCG ectopic pregnancy can long remain normal. 

To determine ectopic pregnancy, there are modern methods such as laparoscopy (abdominal organs are examined using a laparoscope) and taking puncture the abdominal area. We remind you that as soon as you notice even any signs of an ectopic pregnancy, immediately contact your gynecologist or ambulance emergency care. 

By the way, when atypical basal temperature increases as pregnancy, as normal. Regular maintenance of the temperature graph in the home can help the diagnosis of pregnancy. 

Ultrasound diagnosis is also quite an effective way to determine the attachment of membranes ectopic eggs. If the appeal to the specialist was timely, the abdominal ultrasound will show abnormalities in the 6-7 weeks, and a transvaginal ultrasound is able to define the anomaly for a period of 4 weeks. Typically, an ultrasound shows that: 

  1. The size of the uterus does not correspond to the term of pregnancy, the uterus is much smaller 
  2. In pozadimatochnom space visible presence of liquid 
  3. All of the features are typical of pregnancy, but the fertilized egg is not visible. But clearly visible seal in the place where the egg was attached 

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy.

The woman, who was found a suspected ectopic pregnancy, should be subject to an urgent hospitalization, and is in the hospital as long as atypical location of the ovum will not be confirmed or refuted. Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy can only be operative. If an ectopic pregnancy was interrupted, the surgery must be made no later than 30 minutes after the diagnosis of the condition. From the same moment a woman starts to enter krovezamenyayuschie solutions. 

During the surgery, doctors removed the ovum, the bleeding stopped and most of all, spend more plastic surgery tube that would keep her permeability and allowing women to become pregnant again. To carry out such a recovery operation using microsurgical technique. Very important rehabilitation activities after the operation, to avoid recurrence of ectopic pregnancy, prevent infertility and to prevent the emergence of adhesions, adhesions and rough scars in the operative site. Well in this case, the procedure biostimulation, fizoterapevticheskie procedure. 

If the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of ectopic pregnancy were carried out correctly, the women have nothing more to fear, she fully recovers. The question of childbirth for a woman can be considered resolved positively. 

Implications of ectopic pregnancy.

After surgery, the patient is required to be appointed by antibiotics, drugs for pain relief, and vitamin complexes. Treatment with medicines and physiotherapy treatments help move the rehabilitation period is the most easily the state of her fallopian tubes improves recovery occurs quickly. What would the next pregnancy with no problems, the patient prescribe a course of drugs that prevent the formation of adhesive processes.

If a woman has one fallopian tube removed, the rest of the pipe it is necessary to treat. The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy may occur as late complications. For example, tuboektomiya can cause infertility. Similarly, a high probability of pregnancy atypical repeatedly. A woman must seriously raise the issue of choosing a method of contraception, because after suffering her treatment is not recommended to become pregnant in the next three, and preferably six months. And you need to become pregnant only after careful study of its prior state.

The doctor will check how recovered pipe patency whether any infections and inflammations. Repeating abnormal pregnancy fraught for women sharp deterioration of mental and emotional state, the appearance of obsessive fears. Moreover, profuse blood loss during pipe rupture can lead to the death of a woman from blood loss. That is why it is important not to delay treatment in hospital.

What it is Lyme disease?

What it is Lyme disease?

Lyme borreliosis, or Lyme disease - an infectious disease transmitted by ticks.

The causative agent of Lyme disease - a type of Borrelia (Borrelia burgdorferi), from the family Spirochetaceae. This - the only species of Borrelia, pathogenic to humans and widely distributed in the temperate zone.

In Russia, you can become infected with Lyme disease after being bitten a tick in the forests of the Leningrad, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Kaliningrad, Perm and Tyumen regions. In the Urals, western Siberia and the Far East ticks that carry Lyme disease are found in pastures. Depending on the season the likelihood of disease after the tick bite varies from 5 to 90%.

Lyme disease
What it is Lyme disease?

What's happening?

Infection occurs through the bite of an infected tick. Borrelia from tick saliva enter the skin and propagated for several days, after which they spread to other areas of the skin and internal organs (heart, brain, joints, etc.). Borrelia in a long time (years) can be stored in the human body, causing a delayed onset of the disease, chronic illness or refunds borellioza after apparent recovery.

What is shown?

From the first bite to the appearance of symptoms extends from 2 to 30 days, on average - 2 weeks. A characteristic feature of the beginning of the disease in 70% of cases, is a reddening of the skin at the site of the bite. The red spot is gradually increased, reaching 1-10 cm in diameter, and sometimes up to 60 cm or more. Spot shape round or oval, rarely wrong. The outer edge of a red inflamed skin, multiple rising above the level of the skin. Over time, the central part of the spot becomes pale or bluish tint, create the shape of the ring. The site of the tick bite in the center of the spot, first you can see the crust, then wound scarring. Spot persists without treatment 2-3 weeks, then disappears. Across 1-1, 5 months developed signs of nervous system, heart or joints.


Great good fortune should be considered to establish a diagnosis of Lyme disease at the stage of cutaneous manifestations. Unfortunately, the disease often fails to suspect it's too late, when fully apparent defeat of the internal organs. Borreliosis can confirm the diagnosis by a special blood test. Such studies are carried out in specialized laboratories in infectious hospitals.


Treatment Lyme disease is carried out in an infectious diseases hospital, where, first of all, the therapy aimed at the destruction of Borrelia. Without such treatment, the disease progresses, becomes chronic, and in some cases leads to disability. They have been ill are under medical supervision for 2 years, and examined after 3, 6, 12 months and 2 years. If bitten by a tick next day should come to the Infectious Diseases Hospital with a remote mite for his research on the presence of Borrelia. In order to prevent Lyme disease after being bitten by an infected tick is recommended to take Doxycycline 1 tablet (0.1 g), 2 times a day for 5 days (children under 12 not assigned). However, before taking the antibiotic should consult with your doctor - the drug is contra! In Moscow, at the Institute of Rheumatology, a special working group to study Lyme disease.

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