Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Dacryocystitis - symptoms, causes, treatment, photo.

Dacryocystitis - an inflammatory -gnoynoe or simply inflammatory damage to the lacrimal sac and the tubule, which removes the tear (nasolacrimal duct).

Dacryocystitis may begin as a result of the acquisition, or received at birth, narrowing (stenosis) of the lacrimal gland ducts. Sometimes the flow is blocked completely. Infants and toddlers in the first few months after birth are subject to narrow (overlap) tear duct due to the nature of its structure. By the time of the birth canal may be blocked by the tissue film or membrane, which is not fully resolved. For this reason, the tear secretion accumulates in the eye bag, and inside the liquid microbes multiply rapidly. 

Eye Disease

Dacryocystitis also occurs in adults, but less frequently. Especially from dacryocystitis affects women, as they tear ducts narrow. More on the occurrence of inflammation in the nasolacrimal duct in women affected by the fact of the use of funds for eye makeup. 

Acute and chronic dacryocystitis

In course of the disease can be identified acute dacryocystitis, characterized by the formation of purulent abscesses and boils and chronic dacryocystitis. The main "culprits" of occurrence of the disease include:
  1. Viral origin 
  2. Bacterial and viral 
  3. Chlamydia allergic (rarely) 
  4. Due to injury 

Dacryocystitis of newborns can be identified separately. 

Reasons dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis of newborns can be caused by: 
  1. congenital nasolacrimal duct pathology in the form of a sharp narrowing of its lumen
  2. presence of interference in a membrane inside along the duct 
  3. not resolved in utero gelatinous plug 
  4. flow completely zaroschen fabrics (canal atresia) 

Dacryocystitis adults may develop due to: 
  1. periocular tissue swelling in the area (for example, during prolonged rhinitis, nasal polyps in as a complication of sinusitis) 
  2. Injured channel: for example, if damaged orbit or nasal cartilage 
  3. infection, viral or bacterial origin 
  4. wounds of the eye, especially in the area close to the point of tears near the nasolacrimal duct and 
  5. dacryocystitis eye contact is garbage, fine dust and other foreign bodies 

Other possible causes dacryocystitis: 
  1. Some metabolic disorders, diabetes, 
  2. weakening of the immune defense 
  3. allergic reactions, particularly those that appear as rhinitis and conjunctivitis 
  4. Work with caustic and volatile compounds harmful to the organs of sight 
  5. sudden changes in temperature

When the tear fluid stops normally circulate nasolacrimal duct and as a result, the outflow of tears to the nasal cavity is no - develop dacryocystitis. Secret stagnates in the cavity flow, provide ideal conditions for the life of bacteria and germs, which in any case fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes, but the tears washed away.

Germs multiply rapidly when dacryocystitis, lacrimal sac area swells, formed inflammation with pus inside. In the area where the wall of the duct may form a cavity, formed an abscess. When the walls of the ducts does not inhibit the spread of infection, it appears abscess. If the lacrimal secretion falls allergen, a virus or Chlamydia, the duct is formed in the middle of the specific nature of the inflammation.

Chronic dacryocystitis develops due to stagnation of the regular lachrymal secretion, as a result - narrowing nasolacrimal duct.

Symptoms dacryocystitis 

Acute dacryocystitis has the following symptoms: 
  1. In the area of ​​the lacrimal sac is formed rather big tumor that causes pain eye swells,  
  2. Eye gap becomes narrow 
  3. There is a significant flow in the area of ​​redness 
  4. Region orbit the eye becomes very painful 
  5. Body temperature rises 
  6. There are clear signs of poisoning toxins
In the first few days, the swelling is quite thick, knobbly, then it becomes softer. Redness is reduced, an abscess is formed with an external opening. After the pus "burst" in and out, out and inflammation. Sometimes, a fistula is formed, from which the contents of the pouch can ooze and flow. 

Chronic dacryocystitis has its characteristic symptoms:
  1. Tears flow from his eyes hard and not stopping 
  2. Formed quite noticeable swelling 
  3. If dacryocystitis slight pressure on the tumor, then it will stand clear, pus, or impurities, the contents 
  4. The inner corner of the eyes red and swollen 
If dacryocystitis run, the site of inflammation in the skin becomes thin and stretched. 

How to identify dacryocystitis in the newborn: from just babies born at presence of the disease is determined by a purulent discharge from the eyes, and swollen eyelids. 

For newborns extremely dangerous is the location of the tumor with purulent contents close to the sinuses, eyes, brain. The infection can spread to adjacent organs and serious complications. 

Diagnosis dacryocystitis

 Usually, the diagnosis of the doctor reveals, after hearing the complaints of the patient and examining the clinical symptoms of dacryocystitis. We need a very delicate examination, the doctor should carefully palpate the sore area for the presence of pus inside the tumor. Additional research dacryocystitis: 
  1. The tear duct is introduced colorant to determine its permeability. The substance (colloid silver) is found or not found on the swab of cotton wool, which is inserted into the sinuses; 
  2. Nasolacrimal duct probing; 
  3. Held test for dacryocystitis (passive with washing); 
  4. The eye is examined under a microscope; 
  5. The eye instilled a special glowing reagent (fluorescein); 
  6. Detachable secret is sent to the laboratory for bakposev to determine the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics; 
  7. Radiography with an introduction to the eye duct contrast; 

Treatment of dacryocystitis

Treatment of dacryocystitis is either surgical or conservative. It is important that dacryocystitis in newborns was detected in time and properly diagnosed. 

Typically, to get rid of dacryocystitis doctors prescribe antibiotics (including sensitivity analysis), as well as washing and massage of the tear ducts of the lacrimal sac. 

  1. UHF treatment dacryocystitis 
  2. if necessary - opening of an abscess, followed by washing 
  3. Plastic possible to create a new flow 
Chronic dacryocystitis treated with surgery: the expansion of the flow is carried out, sometimes tear the bag is removed.

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