Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Signs of symptoms and treatment of ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition when the fertilized egg is attached is not where it should (in the uterus), and beyond. Place the attachment may be different: a cavity tubes, peritoneum or inside the ovary. Pipe - the most frequently diagnosed form of ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy is considered to be more than serious gynecological diseases, because it always ends with internal bleeding and requires emergency medical intervention. 

Causes of ectopic pregnancy.

symptoms and treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Causes of ectopic pregnancy are as follows:  

  1. Addiction to smoking. Yes, the more a woman smokes, the more likely that it will be an ectopic pregnancy;  
  2. Inflammatory processes (especially chronic character) in the pelvis. As a result, the fallopian tubes are covered by severe scarring that causes ectopic pregnancy; 
  3. Do not held until the end of the course of treatment for gonorrhea or chlamydia;  
  4. Endometriosis; 
  5. Ectopic pregnancy diagnosed earlier. 

Ectopic pregnancy, gynecologists may be associated with the use of special means to stimulate ovulation. What exactly triggers this atypical pregnancy - hormonal drugs or scarring in the fallopian tubes - is not yet known. If you suspect you are afraid of pregnancy and that it can be ectopic, be sure to tell your doctor and he will appoint a more detailed examination. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy two weeks are no different from the usual signs of normal pregnancy. These are the same fatigue, morning morning sickness, breast tenderness, cessation of menstruation. Clear signs of an ectopic pregnancy appear later. What happens then? 
  1. Pain. 
  2. It hurts everywhere, the whole abdominal cavity. When stress becomes even more pain Vaginal bleeding, sometimes quite strong 
  3. Oddly enough, but the shoulder hurts too much. This is due to the fact that during the bleeding irritated diaphragm 

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy it is easy to confuse with signs of early miscarriage. The egg, fertilized, begins its promotion of the fallopian tube to the uterus. If an ectopic pregnancy egg to the uterus just does not get it attached where it is necessary and there begins his growth and development. After reaching a certain size, the embryo breaks the pipe opens the bleeding. That is why women need to provide assistance immediately. 

Signs of ectopic pregnancy.

How to identify an ectopic pregnancy, modern medicine knows the ropes. The first thing that you need to make a woman at the slightest sign or suspicions is to conduct clinical blood for the presence and content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone produced by the female body immediately after the start of the process of fertilization. 

The level of hCG in the ectopic pregnancy is slightly undervalued or has normal levels. But it is on the first or second week of pregnancy. As early as the third week, the level of hCG is to reduce dramatically. But even this method can not be regarded as an informative one hundred percent. Especially considering that hCG ectopic pregnancy can long remain normal. 

To determine ectopic pregnancy, there are modern methods such as laparoscopy (abdominal organs are examined using a laparoscope) and taking puncture the abdominal area. We remind you that as soon as you notice even any signs of an ectopic pregnancy, immediately contact your gynecologist or ambulance emergency care. 

By the way, when atypical basal temperature increases as pregnancy, as normal. Regular maintenance of the temperature graph in the home can help the diagnosis of pregnancy. 

Ultrasound diagnosis is also quite an effective way to determine the attachment of membranes ectopic eggs. If the appeal to the specialist was timely, the abdominal ultrasound will show abnormalities in the 6-7 weeks, and a transvaginal ultrasound is able to define the anomaly for a period of 4 weeks. Typically, an ultrasound shows that: 

  1. The size of the uterus does not correspond to the term of pregnancy, the uterus is much smaller 
  2. In pozadimatochnom space visible presence of liquid 
  3. All of the features are typical of pregnancy, but the fertilized egg is not visible. But clearly visible seal in the place where the egg was attached 

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy.

The woman, who was found a suspected ectopic pregnancy, should be subject to an urgent hospitalization, and is in the hospital as long as atypical location of the ovum will not be confirmed or refuted. Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy can only be operative. If an ectopic pregnancy was interrupted, the surgery must be made no later than 30 minutes after the diagnosis of the condition. From the same moment a woman starts to enter krovezamenyayuschie solutions. 

During the surgery, doctors removed the ovum, the bleeding stopped and most of all, spend more plastic surgery tube that would keep her permeability and allowing women to become pregnant again. To carry out such a recovery operation using microsurgical technique. Very important rehabilitation activities after the operation, to avoid recurrence of ectopic pregnancy, prevent infertility and to prevent the emergence of adhesions, adhesions and rough scars in the operative site. Well in this case, the procedure biostimulation, fizoterapevticheskie procedure. 

If the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of ectopic pregnancy were carried out correctly, the women have nothing more to fear, she fully recovers. The question of childbirth for a woman can be considered resolved positively. 

Implications of ectopic pregnancy.

After surgery, the patient is required to be appointed by antibiotics, drugs for pain relief, and vitamin complexes. Treatment with medicines and physiotherapy treatments help move the rehabilitation period is the most easily the state of her fallopian tubes improves recovery occurs quickly. What would the next pregnancy with no problems, the patient prescribe a course of drugs that prevent the formation of adhesive processes.

If a woman has one fallopian tube removed, the rest of the pipe it is necessary to treat. The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy may occur as late complications. For example, tuboektomiya can cause infertility. Similarly, a high probability of pregnancy atypical repeatedly. A woman must seriously raise the issue of choosing a method of contraception, because after suffering her treatment is not recommended to become pregnant in the next three, and preferably six months. And you need to become pregnant only after careful study of its prior state.

The doctor will check how recovered pipe patency whether any infections and inflammations. Repeating abnormal pregnancy fraught for women sharp deterioration of mental and emotional state, the appearance of obsessive fears. Moreover, profuse blood loss during pipe rupture can lead to the death of a woman from blood loss. That is why it is important not to delay treatment in hospital.

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