Pulpit called complicated forms of caries, which is characterized by the spread of the pathological process with dentin and enamel - in the hard tissues of the tooth pulp - its neurovascular bundle, which leads to inflammation. Dental pulp can be caused by improper treatment of dental caries or as a consequence of the lack of treatment at all.
Dental pulp acute, chronic |
Causes Pulpitis
Provoke pulpit tooth decay not only can, but it happens often. Among the reasons experts also emit toxic chemical exposure or a sealing material, which was treated with carious tooth. Negative the effects are so if isolation pads under the seal has not been imposed or has been imposed is not complete.
Among the possible reasons pulpit - the trauma of a tooth, which often happens, for example, with the athletes during training.
Symptoms of pulpitis
Symptoms of pulpitis may be several, they will be different depending on the form of the disease, which only identified two:
- chronic
- sharp.
Symptoms include severe acute pulpitis and sometimes unbearable pain. Pain attack occurs spontaneously, and manifested paroxysmal, marked by pulsating and vomiting symptoms. For this type of pain is characterized by the gain in the evening and night hours. In acute pulpitis pain often radiates to the ear, temple or eye socket. Gaps also occur without pain between attacks. As the progression of pulpitis such intervals and reduced in number and duration. Pain increases and amplified under the influence of hot products, under the influence of cold products such does not happen in some cases, even the pain attack subsides.
Chronic pulpitis develops if the treatment of the acute form has not been carried out or improperly. Symptoms of chronic pulpitis is to reduce the symptoms of the acute form. Often the disease is asymptomatic at all. Sometimes chronic pulpitis patient may complain about the appearance of mild pain in the affected tooth gets hot or too solid food, as well as slightly pronounced discomfort.
The above symptoms are usually characteristic of the fibrous form of chronic pulpitis, among which stands out a few:
- Hypertrophic
- Gangrenous
In hypertrophic form is formed polyp that grows out of a tooth cavity. Touching this polyp causes not only pain, but also bleeding. Gangrenous form is characterized by coating the pulp yellowish gray bloom, the presence of a sharp putrid odor from the mouth, the tooth at the same time has extensive damage, and the disease is prolonged.
During exacerbation of chronic forms of the disease are present all the symptoms of the acute form. It should be noted that the cost of treatment pulpit many times higher than the price of caries treatment, so when the first symptoms of dental caries should be treated to the dentist.
There are several methods of treatment of pulpitis, the choice of which is based on the form of pulpit and stage of disease prevalence.
Among the preferred method, which try to resort dentists, conservative method that maintains the viability of the pulp. Typically, this treatment is most often applied in the case of the disease in younger people and only with the possibility of reversibility of the disease of the pulp (for example, in the form of traumatic pulpitis pulpitis or primary teeth in children is not too severe scale losses).
Treatment of pulpitis in this case is analogous to the treatment of caries, but with particular emphasis on treatment subjected to the defeat of the oral drugs. With this purpose antibiotic and antiseptic agents, as well as proteolytic type enzymes.
With failure of conservative treatment of pulpitis the method of surgery. It involves removing the diseased pulp. Root canal is sealed with a special material. The pulp can be removed using two methods:
- vital. Implemented in all forms of the disease, it is used as a general anesthetic, and local;
- devitalized. It conducted only with the prior killing nerve.
Early treatment saves pulpit nerve, the presence of which is necessary to ensure the normal life of the tooth and its power. Therefore, when the first manifestations of the pulpit is an urgent need to see a doctor, because not only the duration but also the cost of treatment of pulpitis is largely dependent on the running process.
Folk remedies for the treatment of pulpitis
Folk remedies for the treatment of pulpitis |
Treatment of diseases with folk remedies are not designed to get rid of it because it can be done only in a dental clinic, and to reduce the severity of symptoms of its main symptoms.
To this end, traditional medicine is often used propolis. A piece of material the size of a small pea to put on a tooth, the top covered with a cotton swab. Leave propolis tooth need not less than twenty minutes.
Help with pulpitis and rinsing means, prepared on the basis of propolis, for example, sweet. To prepare the means take one tablespoon of crushed sweet flag, mix it with one tea spoon of tincture of propolis (prepared independently or purchased in a drugstore). To soften the means, add to it two tablespoons tablespoons boiling water normal. Mix well all the ingredients, start rinsing. For the duration of this process shall not exceed three minutes.The course of treatment is not less than a week, although the assurances of doctors pain should subside for about the third day.
It is used to treat inflammation of the pulp and the combination of tools such as hydrogen peroxide and lemon. Often this set of components is added and a paste of baking soda. To prepare the means to mix the spoon half teaspoon baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in an amount of about twenty drops and lemon juice in an amount of about five drops. Cotton swab moistened in this mixture, then this ball tooth wipes on all sides. A mixture of the soda and water will help relieve the pain.
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