Uterine fibroid are diagnosed today, a third of women who turned thirty-year milestone. This is always a benign tumor, composed of connective tissue and muscle cells. The tumor is called lymphoma or fibroid.
Tumor mass is very small, no more than 10mm but not rare uterine fibroid larger. In some cases, the uterus look like in size during the full pregnancy in the last stages, and weighing more than three kilograms. This is due to the increase leiomyomata. The very uterus consists of smooth muscle cells and their immature part is converted into fibroid.
Uterine fibroid treatment |
The background of the emergence of the disease are conditions causing hormonal disorders: endometrial hyperglycemia, polyps often or an ovulation.
One cause of uterine fibroid may be called an excessive amount of estrogen in women. This hormone is produced by the ovaries, fibroid so little common in girls who have not reached puberty, and women after menopause, due to the low production of hormones in both periods. Pregnancy provokes accelerated growth of fibroid, and post menopause on the contrary, cause it to regress.
The nature of fibroid can be a node or extensive (diffuse), but doctors use the term uterine fibroid to describe it any shape.
The forms of uterine fibroid
The forms of uterine fibroid |
Fibroids of the uterus is formed in its middle stratum of muscle, it looks like one or more nodules. This disease has the largest percentage of diagnosis. Sometimes you can find a diffuse fibroids (extensive) and diffuse nodes (nodes occur against a background of extensive tumor). So-called fibroids occur deep in uterine muscle layer (interstitial hysteromyoma), sprouting of the muscle layer in the body depth (submucous myoma of the uterus), or vice versa, to grow to outside the uterus in the pelvic region (subserous uterine fibroids).
If the nodule has formed under the top layer of the uterus serous, we are talking about subserous uterine cancer. Himself node may have a short thick base ilitonkoe and elongated. Second - very unfavorable to women, the leg can easily become twisted, causing the death of the tumor, causing purulent inflammation of the entire abdominal area. Myoma formation with a thick base tend to increase their sizes, whereby the organs surrounding the uterus can be squeezed.
Subserous nodules may not be felt quite a long period. But then there is the deterioration of health. For example, the tumor formed in the front wall of the uterus body, presses on the bladder, in a woman having problems with urination may start pyelonephritis. Kidney function violated. If the node with the largest subserous uterine cancer and is at the rear of the female body, it suffers from squeezing the rectum. As a result - the development of hemorrhoids, constipation, and various infections in the rectum. When torsion leg woman show urgent removal of uterine fibroid.
Submucosal fibroids accompanied by uterine bleeding, anemia, iron deficiency and constant drowsiness. The danger of this type of fibroid is a regular blood loss as a result of which the quality of a woman's life is reduced significantly. When submucosal uterine fibroids a woman pursues a nagging type, not passing a nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen.
Intramural fibroid is found in half the time of detection of the disease. Symptoms of uterine fibroids of this type is very similar to the signs of submucous node type. The menstrual cycle is broken, there is all the manifestations of iron deficiency anemia, pain.
Uterine cervix - a rare pathology. The disease most often occurs without symptoms at all. But in some cases there is copious blood from the vagina, bearing irregular. Uterine cervical cancer is mainly combined with uterine fibroids. I must say that fibroids in the uterus is not an obstacle to pregnancy, but is uterine cervix does not give sperm to penetrate the egg, and the woman does not become pregnant.
Symptoms of uterine fibroids
The problem of the disease is that it develops slowly, and it is found, as a rule, during preventive examination by a gynecologist (particularly in the US) or during pregnancy. But their symptoms of uterine fibroids has it:
- Copious flow of blood during menstruation, often with the presence of large clots
- Between periods abundantly "smears"
- Underbelly pulls, and sexual intercourse becomes unpleasant due to pain
- Constipation, back pain (lower back), frequent urination. The emergence of at least one symptom of uterine fibroids should lead a woman to the office of the gynecologist.
Causes of uterine fibroids
Causes of uterine fibroids are manifold:
- Hormonal factors. Insufficient production of the hormone estrogen and excessive - progesterone. Therefore, in the treatment of tumors are always assigned hormones to stabilize hormonal levels.
- Food. The use of refined carbohydrate foods, and lack of fiber can affect the formation of abnormal hormonal levels. In addition, poor diet leads to excess weight, which increases the chance to get fibroids.
- Genetic predisposition, a hereditary factor.
- Caesarean section during childbirth, abortion, unprofessional setting and removal of the spiral - all this leads to serious functional disorders of the sexual sphere. If a woman was found endometriosis, but the treatment she did not pass, then the probability of nodes becomes several times higher.
- Intimate life.Rather, its quality. Equally useful are not as frequent change of partners and long abstaining from sex. The intimate life should be a reasonable balance.
Treatment of uterine fibroids
Treatment of uterine fibroids |
What's medicine offers to treat uterine fibroids? And modern methods of treatment, and conservative treatment and even folk remedies quite successfully helping women to get rid of the disease and avoid surgery removal of uterine fibroids. In medical practice knows a sufficient number of cases of complete cure of women using traditional methods of treatment, homeopathy, along with medical facilities, doctor appointments.
There are cases when a woman is already preparing for surgery to remove the tumor, and during the control examination revealed that the removal is not required. Fibroids disappeared. These cases concern women middle aged and elderly survivors of menopause. During menopause hormonal undergoes changes, which may lead to resorption of the tumor. Patients under the age of forty years, doctors may recommend a course of treatment with hormones.
A good doctor will try to avoid until the last removal of the tumor. Surgery for uterine fibroids is inevitable if nodal education is very large, frequent and profuse bleeding. Removing nodes laparoscope popular and well proven. During surgery for uterine fibroids using a laparoscope undergoes tumor removal, and the uterus remains intact. Dissection of the abdomen is also avoided, women make only a small incision in the abdomen.
Treatment of uterine fibroids is possible by overlapping the uterine arteries. This modern method is called uterine fibroid embolization, it creates such conditions that the tumor is reduced to a tiny size and its further growth becomes impossible. Treatment folk remedies.
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies |
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies doctors are not prohibited. Moreover, doctors do prescribe their patients folk remedies as aids.
Treatment of uterine fibroids folk remedies can start with the following means: juice cutter (20 ml), preferably fresh, mixed with a glass of clean boiled water. Receipt of funds should be drunk three times a day at regular intervals.
Some traditional recipes are actively endorsed by classical medicine, a very good effect Borovoy of the uterus, it can even be called the plant a plant number one in the fight against women's diseases.
Antineoplastic are hemlock, Celandine, Potentilla, mistletoe, fly agaric (destroy any tumors); Borovoy of the uterus, Shandra, zyuzlik, thistle, cleavers, squirting cucumber. Herbs second group is preferable, because it is not toxic, and specifically struggle with uterine myoma.
Enhance immunity and promote immunomodulators adaptogens such as Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Leuzea, kopeechnik. Regulate the monthly cycle tansy (used for the delay), chamomile, lady's mantle, hops (painful menstruation), sleep-grass (premature regulation), oregano, cloves (no tone of the uterus).
To reduce and eliminate uterine bleeding successfully help nettle, yarrow, shepherd's purse.
Traditional recipes are good, when the disease is still only at the beginning of development, in any case can not be treated folk remedies bleeding and pain!
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