Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Meniere's Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment folk remedies.

Meniere's disease develops inside the ear labyrinth. During disease labyrinthine fluid increases in volume and pressure increases irreconcilability. Man worried dizziness, vegetative functions disorders, tinnitus, the patient complains of deafness, which is progressing with every fit of disease recurrence.

The most common lesion is exposed to one ear, two-way process is ten times out of a hundred. Purulent processes do not precede disease, also not observed any organic lesions meninges. Seizures occur over time lighter and less frequent, but deafness continues to progress.
Meniere's disease is divided into three degrees of severity of:

  1. Easy (first) degree: seizures are short, their length does not exceed a few minutes, they did not occur often. Acute attack may last an hour or more, but between attacks can take many months or even years. Employability patient is not disturbed 
  2. Average (second) degree: attacks happen more often and last longer and longer. Hearing loss becomes continuous. Incapacity of the patient is maintained for five or six days. 
  3. Weight (third) degree: acute attacks of Meniere's disease is repeated every day and last for more than six hours, a vivid manifestation of symptoms, and the patient's ability to work is lost completely.

Meniere's disease is classified into:
  1. Classic. Manifested disorder auditory and vestibular functions 
  2. Vestibular. It characterized mainly dizziness 
  3. Cochlear. In this form of Meniere's disease are preferable violation hearing funkiness Zaporozhye causes of Meniere's syndrome
What causes the disease is up to now unclear. Doctors suggest - Meniere's disease can develop as a result of accumulation of excess water in the ear canal endolymphatic. The liquid spreading in the inside of the ear, it causes damage to the vestibular structures. Head injuries of varying severity, infectious diseases of the inner ear, trachea, bronchus, low back pain - all of which can trigger Meniere's disease. Theorizes that prolonged stress, chronic lack of sleep and excessive mental stress trigger the disease. Do not swept aside version of the hereditary factor. In general, a lot of theories, but clear scientific evidence, none yet has not received. 

The symptoms of Meniere's disease

Loss of balance, cold sweat, nausea - all symptoms of Meniere's disease.
Loss of balance, cold sweat, nausea - all symptoms of Meniere's disease.
The symptoms of Meniere's disease occur suddenly, without external apparent reason. The most typical are the following signs of illness:

  1. Sudden loss of balance. The person loses the ability to walk, can not even stand or sit 
  2. Covering a strong nausea, vomiting may occur unrestrained 
  3. The patient "throws in the pot" 
  4. Man pales greatly literally become "white as the wall", pressure, or falls, or (less often) increases
Let us consider the most characteristic symptoms of Meniere's disease:
  1. Intermittent dizziness greatly exacerbated during attacks. The patient suddenly feels that things suddenly move, the balance is lost, and sometimes there may be failures, and flipping. The patient falls as stand or sit still unable to. Pupils patient wander, sharply drove vomiting 
  2. Tinnitus is very intense during the attack so severe that the patient is no longer heard. Hearing disorders are associated mainly with changes that are impossible to predict. Occasionally, when fade away once both ears, deafness usually affects the left, then right. The nature of this disorder - the periodic, but as soon as Meniere's syndrome begins to progress, deafness becomes constant and tends to worsen, and later lost hearing completely. Intrigue of the disease lies in the fact that it appears suddenly and for no apparent reason.

Diagnosis of Meniere's disease

To establish a diagnosis of Meniere's syndrome patient should be examined by an ENT-doctor and be sure to neurologist. Research should be carried out in several directions, and include: 
  1. Tone and voice audimetriyu 
  2. Tympanometry - assesses the state of the middle ear 
  3. Reflexometer speaker
  4. X-rays of the cervical spinal department 
  5. US 
  6. Rheovasography 
  7. Dopleroskopiya cerebral blood vessels of the head 
  8. Imaging, computer and magnetic resonance. This research may reveal tumor formation, which may be the cause of pathological conditions. 

Treatment of Meniere's disease.

Unfortunately, the cure Meniere's syndrome can not be forever, but to make attacks less frequent with less severe manifestations of the medicine can. Certain medications drugs cropped nausea and retching, reduce the effect of dizziness during an exacerbation. Alas, the systematic hearing loss in this case - an irreversible process. The principle of treatment of Meniere's disease is a constant controlling symptomatic manifestations and to reduce the number of attacks. At first the doctor to the patient develops a specific diet, then connects the medication. 

If Meniere's disease patients received diuretics (diuretics). The patient should stop smoking, limit salt intake and caffeinated beverages. Prescribe drugs that suppress the function of the vestibular apparatus, antihistamines and sedatives. Treatment of Meniere's disease is also done drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain.

How to behave during an attack if suddenly dizzy, it is recommended to take a horizontal position (to go at least to the floor) and lie still until the end of the attack. You can take a pill diphenhydramine, suprastin or any other drug that has antihistamine properties. If nausea and vomiting, it is recommended antiemetic drugs.

If conservative treatment has no effect, the patient's disease Meniere's guide to the surgeon. The intervention of a surgeon shown only in extreme, difficult cases, when dizzy spells are becoming too frequent and strong. The patient in such cases, surgery is performed, during which the man-made destruction of the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. Another surgical method - chemical ablation (inner ear usual antibiotic). Both methods lead to deafness and are used only as the last and only chance to relieve the patient's suffering.

Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies

Effective measures that can prevent the onset of Meniere's disease does not exist. However, exercise, low salt intake, smoking cessation and alcohol may reduce the risk of developing the disease. Also avoid allergenic factors. 

Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies based on the use of diuretics and sweatshop herbs generally cleansing the body of toxins and regular performance of special exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. Treatment of Meniere's disease folk remedies may have little effect, but important as a prophylactic.

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